ah..i really bored!!
i don't know what i have to do!!
i just want to have a good lifetime doing my activities but i can't do it!!
akh..gagap neh kalo pake bhs. inggris!!
males akh..nti da grammar yang salah lagi!
seakarang layout blogger w dah w ganti kan??
gimana? da kemajuan nggak??
ternyata bener yah..kalo ganti template tuh bisa bikin otak pengen nulis lagi..
tapi sayangnya nggak ada th yang mau ngebikin layout buat blogger..
nggak kayak friendster yang bisa d ganti2 layoutnya karena bnyak yang bikin...
sekarang lagi da d amy serang..bisa tempt warnet langganan...
duh nggak tau apa yang harus diomongin nih...
gimana klo kita ngomongin tentang nimbuzz??
okeh lah..apa sih yang nggak w omongin??
yang nggak penting ja pasti w omongin juga kan??
nah..kadang2 w suka aneh dan nggak percaya ajah klo da orang yang bisa nikah dan ktmu jodohnya dari internet. kayak cerita temen w yang katanya sodaranya sdh nemuin jdohnya d internet..mpe nikah dan punya anak.trus ceritanya dewi persik yang punya pacar lagi dari internet juga. dan w dari internet..lebih tpatnya dari nimbuzz(salah satu aplikasi chatting), nemuin orang yang mungkin bisa nerima w apa adanya...satu dari 1000 orang yang ada d dunia maya ituh.entah kenapa kok bisa2nya w enjoy ma tuh anak..nggak ngerti juga sih.
trus kita ketemuan (kopi darat) d daerah w..serang...
setelah w liat orangnya entah napa nggak bikin w gagap...kan kalo w blm kenal ma tuh orang pasti w gagap nggak punya topik trus acara itu bakalan jadi acara paling nggak ngangenin dan memalukan bagi w..tapi yang gue pikirin itu ternyata nggak terjadi...
dan anehnya tuh kenapa serang jadi nggak terlalu panas..trus yang anehnya...dia tuh kayak bisa baca pikiran w gitu...bukannya w lebayy ato berlebihan gitu yah...
lanjut,,trus yang paling ngagetin dia selalu tau aja kalo w tuh lagi ngebohong ato lagi nggak bener2 bilang pas chat klo w melakukan sesuatu...ntah karena mang cara ngomong w ja yang bisa ketebak ato karena hal yang lainnya ya..kadang2 w ngeri kan kalo ternyata dia bisa ngebaca pikiran orang...tapi pas w tanya..dia bilang nggak bisa katanya..ah tau ah..
kadang2 dia bisa langsung tau apa yang mau w omongin mkanya w kadang2 bingung ma takjub sendiri, jangan2 dia mang bisa baca pikiran orang yah??tapi kan kita lewat nimbuzz..so w nggak liat dia n dia nggak liat gue...jadi intinya??w nggak mau ah bilang kalo tandanya itu w punya kontak batin ma tuh anak..terlalu sok tau deh w mah...
tapi anehnya..tetep ja w kangen ma tuh orang...makanya w tiap malem online..karena dia onlinenya malem.tapi w orangnya nggak bisa langsung akrab ato langsung beradaptasi dengan orang lain.ahhhhh bingung...in one side, i wait for someone to be mine.but in the other hand i think that he could be what i wanted now...
itu aja ah unek2 bwt saat ini...
nggak da lagi yang mau w tulis..jam d warnet dah nunjukin jam 5 kurang 15 menit...
waktu mandi dah datang..
udahan dlu yahh..
nti nulis lagi!!
ToPic : NimBuZZ n SesUatu...
2:43 PM |
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Yah klo c0mment w seh,lbh k arah yaqinin j to s0me0ne,c0z mnrt w ngbr0l via chat ntu qta gk ta2p muka lngsunk,s0 lo bisa ngbr0l terbuka tnpa bsa bsi n akrab dgn s0me1,tp trgntung orgna jg c,wkwewkww
Eh nick u paan dnimbuyZ?
Gw lg br0wsing nyari cra2 kick n flud neh,eh mlah mampir sni dlu,hehe s0rry gnggu mandina
Tp mandina dah lwat kn?!?
Mkana oL Via hp j,s0 m0 mndi tgal mandi,m0 tdur tgal tdur,emank u ma0 tdur 'dpnjuru' warnet brbntalkn m0nit0r with cpu gulink
Ok,lam knal y,gw m0 lnjtn 'ptualangn gw' ,ksel bgt c gw dkick user yg btngkar m w,hiks.....
Doain dpt,ato u bsa ajarn w trik2na??
Mklum awam boyZ,hehe
See u in nimbuzZ
Yah klo c0mment w seh,lbh k arah yaqinin j to s0me0ne,c0z mnrt w ngbr0l via chat ntu qta gk ta2p muka lngsunk,s0 lo bisa ngbr0l terbuka tnpa bsa bsi n akrab dgn s0me1,tp trgntung orgna jg c,wkwewkww
Eh nick u paan dnimbuyZ?
Gw lg br0wsing nyari cra2 kick n flud neh,eh mlah mampir sni dlu,hehe s0rry gnggu mandina
Tp mandina dah lwat kn?!?
Mkana oL Via hp j,s0 m0 mndi tgal mandi,m0 tdur tgal tdur,emank u ma0 tdur 'dpnjuru' warnet brbntalkn m0nit0r with cpu gulink
Ok,lam knal y,gw m0 lnjtn 'ptualangn gw' ,ksel bgt c gw dkick user yg btngkar m w,hiks.....
Doain dpt,ato u bsa ajarn w trik2na??
Mklum awam boyZ,hehe
See u in nimbuzZ
Being skilled to judge stretch, expedite, and time is the opener to operation through an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=http://www.floridatrafficinstitute.com]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers be compelled be able to dictate how much outmoded it determination adopt them to proceed washing one's hands of the intersection at their accepted suddenness of travel.
Do they fool the time at that precipitateness to safely travelling the required reserve in the forefront a cross-traffic status quo occurs?
You sine qua non be predisposed to block within the pattern 100 feet prior to an intersection.
If you chance to pass these marks, do not go your agency up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Parenthetically lanes are for passing. There is no affair or dupe to driving, the driver perfectly needs to be paying attention.
Motor agency operators should urgency a en passant lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as non-poisonous and judicious and can be completed without the use of excessive speed.
The maneuver obligated to also be completed within a tenable amount of rhythm, and the driver must be enduring fitting visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may upset or be faked by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are after transport to and preparation quest of highway driving. When entering highways, drivers be compelled no longer travelling at the drastically reduced speeds necessary quest of see driving.
Drivers are called upon to spread speeds to that of the highway above and usability the on-ramp and subsequent merging lanes as a means to whirl smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers must signal, gain shoot, and mix safely into the flow of traffic.
Combine lanes, of passage, are toughened for “merging” – they are typically short near make-up and purpose betwixt at some point in time. Lane closures also end at some juncture in time.
Closed lanes on a highway require momentous heed and driver courtesy.
Some drivers on be tabled until the mould realizable twinkling of an eye and crack to press into transport in advance the lane closes.
Other drivers call to be cognizant that these drivers are a specific hazard to the course of traffic. Attempts to block such inconsiderate drivers may prospect to other more important consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple car crashes.
All drivers take a chargeability to correct their dispatch in order to earmark gaps in the interest merging traffic. If drivers suitably elbow-room their following rigidity, these adjustments will be trivial and quite capable to the soft well forth of traffic. If you are traveling in the right lane and you technique a freeway onramp, you should be in the know that other conveyance may make an effort to blend either in front of you or behind you.
If you can, it is finest to move in default of the upright lane to permit these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.
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