what a dream!


i just wanna share with you my last nite's confusing dreams..

actually, my mother said that it is better if I keep my dream for myself and not tell to anyone about my dream. I don't know why, and I don't ask my mother the reason "why?"

but my these two dreams were very confusing for me and I wanted to know what it meant to me. That's why maybe there will be one from the million people who may know what my dreams mean.

the two dreams were very clear so that i could remember it . but first, I really need ur objective and positive thoughts while u read about my dream and what I was telling you about...

my first dream--it happened on Thursday to Friday

First, before I slept in my very comfortable bed, I had listen to a radio. The radio was broadcasting a request-song program. Then, when i thought it was boring, I switched off the radio and began to sleep. Then my dream began...

In my dream.. I was on the bus. But, however i didn't know the bus destination..it was likely not Prima J*** bus.  It just like a bus to Kalideres, painted green..aha..you named it! I noticed the seat which was not covered with soft fabric cause it was made by leather--bad dark leather. My appearance in my dream was ordinary. I wore my veil. A little backpack on my back with all my favorite things inside of it and some books of my campus activity. It seemed that I was going home from my campus but with wrong bus.

but that was not the thing! Then, I felt somebody followed me from campus to the bus. At first, I didn't care it cause i thought that maybe he had the same path and the same destination as mine. But when I turned to canteen, he kept following me until I got in the bus. Then, I started to think: something was not right here.

Ok...it was a man. Surprisingly....it was a boy from another class of the same department, English Department. And if i can be honest to u now and tell you his name---which i will never tell you---you may feel shock or whatever u feel about it...you know the person. and maybe one of you know him very well..that's why i can't tell u his name...but you can guess him. He was smart. You may not believe that it's true if u see his apperance. he was not really tall. for you who know me, he was almost the same height as mine or just 3 or 5 cm taller than me. He was not thin. He always wears jacket. And he had a girlfriend. mention it by heart,okay...

tah...then,  I sat in the middle seat. Then, he got in after me and I saw him seeing me. he sat on the front seat, behind the driver's seat. At that time, I was nervous not only because he followed me but also because he was the same student of the same department. so, why did he follow me this far? ha? i want to know it!

Then, every seats had an air conditioner above. Well, the AC was not producing cool air, it dropped water instead. because it couldn't stop dropping the water which made me wet a little, I moved to the three-seat meanwhile i noticed him trying to see what happened to me secretly. Then..he came towards but he took off his jacket and put it to the wet seat to make it dry and sat on that seat. and of course..turned his head to me and i did the same...then...we saw each other.

that was what i remembered...

i forced myslf to keep remembering and recalling this so i can tell you this and i possibly know what the meaning. it was so STRANGE enough 4 me...

i don't really know him (ngga akrab, paling sepatah dua kata)...

tapi knapa bisa masuk mimpi gitu?


my second dream...kapan2 aja lah..

pegel ngetik...

so...it was so evening...

i must take a bath...

c ya with my second dream... 

and thanks for ur kindness heart reading this lil' bull****

but this is true my dream..and i am seriously waiting for the one to tell me its meaning..


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OH kuliah.....


sudah bangkit dari kubur, ups..bangkit dari libur..ya walopun masih libur sih..

ngga ada kerjaan jadi mendingan kan ngisi blog. sekalian curhat..n yang kagak mau baca...(that's ur right) silahkan jgn baca...

ditemani ma lagu2 yang ada di playlist Jet Audio...

mari talk about kemaren...

hari yang melelahkan

1. kepala pusing (maybe karena keujanan)

2. nyampe di kampus dan tak ada sapa2

3. buka portal sks blum di bnerin jd 24

4. akhirnya ke pusdainfo n ktmu pak Wahyu

5. setelah itu balik lagi ke warnet buat nmbah MK

6. nah mau ngambil prose klas b tapi penuh,so ngambil klas A...

liat dah...prose nya keambil but klas a...

7. mau ke pak Wahyu tapi mati lampu

8. nunggu dosen blum dateng juga...akhirnya dateng jam 1 lewat

9. bimbingan sumpek banyak orang..tapi lega akhirnya..

10. ini bagian yang paling ga suka: naik ojek yang kagak tau jalan Mawar dimana...heuh!

ya sudah...

gimana nanti ja lah urusan yang prose ntu...yang penting udah bimbingan..

seneng deh nanti ktmu Ma'am Ayu lagi...wahaha...

mudah2an ja semester 4 bisa naik lagi IP nya..

so..kawan, blajar yang rajin..biar lulus bareng2...

nyari judul skripsi lah..(beuh..gayanya bu...)


c ya!

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hai plen..

udah lama nggak nulis jadi kagok(ga da kata yg lbh enak diliat tah??) mau ngomong apa..

tapi tadi barusan ada ide..ngeliat berita tadi pagi(hal yang jarang terjadi), tadi siang n sore n di koran..pasti aja ada kata2 "facebook" dan "facebook" again n again. Lama-lama kuping jadi bete juga dijejelin berita itu mulu.

sebeumnya..maaf ya..minta maaf dlu buat yang ga suka sama facebook atau buat tim negative ma facebook. Sebagai salah satu dari tim affirmative (lu kira debaaatt??) alias setuju dengan keberadaan facebook, masalah tentang facebook (disingkat fb aja yah..juling nih matanya liat tulisan "book" nya) itu sepenuhnya salah ma yang make fb tersebut.

kasus 1

ada cewe yang maki2 orang pake kata2 kasar lewat fb..
si cewe itu ga mau kalo pacarnya dideketin ma orang ntu...
makanya dah..kirim wall yang aneh2 pake kata2 yang mungkin isinya..temennya si F*** ato 'animal family' etc. harusnya itu tuh ga usah lewat fb. alasannya:
- bikin rusak image
- ngabisin duit,, gila..ngapain ngeluarin duit cmn buat maki2 tuh orang
- wall nya kan bisa diapus..jadi..ga guna..
- ngga seru..knapa ga langsung labrak aja tuh orang??trus jambak2an dah,,(ajaran sesat)
- tuh kan akhirnya dituntut...dipenjara hukuman percobaan 5 bulan..

5 bulan!! ogah dah mendem di penjara 5 bulan....

mendem di kamar 1 bulan bawaannya ja dah pengen kabur entah kemana antah berantah asal jgn dirumahhh..

kasus ke 2

Seorang perempuan di bawa lari oleh seorang pria yang dikenalnya lewat fb. si wanita pun akhirnya dinikahi dan di ajak ke pulau Dewata alias Bali (boleh juga tempatnya....jd mau diculik..)(hush..nauzubilah,,). mereka nikah sirih. ternyata sang pria punya istri lain. dan istrinya yang dah duluan dinikahin sblm isrti yg ktmu di fb itu sdh menghasilkan (emang pabrik..?menghasilkan??) anak. sang istri dari fb pun sedih dan trauma dan kecewa dan udah mirip orang sakit jiwa yang terpukul hatinya(heeeeeh..yg nulis lebai nih...).

ini sih masih mending...udah nikah baru deh mereka.....(isi aja kata selanjutnya sendiri dalam hati). diajak ke pulau Bali pula..lumayan lah. tapi menurut agama itu salah n bejat banget!! ngaku2 ngga punya istri gitu...pdahal mungkin istrinya yg lama nunggu...dasar bang Toyib..ngga pulang-pulang.

dan tetep...salah nya si cewek..kenapa baru kenal udah beranian deket ma tuh orang...

kasus 3

kasusnya si A n N ituhh..yang berita tea...!

itu lah..paraaah..

mereka mpe ngelakuin gituhh...aduuuuh gila ya..

nggak tau dah mau ngomong apa lagi buat kasus yang ini mah. itu cwe beranian...pengen nyobain mungkin...ahaha..

yasudah lah...terima konsekuensinya sajahh...

tp w yakin..tmen2 ga da yang gitu..

jd jangan nyalahin facebook, salahin pemakainya..

tp..kayaknya facebook udah mau berbayar deh....siap2 punya twitter..biar update status lancar..hihihihi....

follow yah(jadi promosi ya??)..

twitter: Wheerly

udah ah..capek ngetik..pngen makan dahulu...

eh iya, buat yg tau jadwal bimbingan (kalo udah ada...) kabar kabari yah..


see ya!

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