

bingung, ga tau mau ngapain lagi...

akhirnya ngenet buat nyari bahan UTS phonology. 

iseng ja lah..biar bisa diapalin dulu...

kata Mrs. Ai, UTS nya awal mei. kalo ngga salah tanggal 3 mei.

materinya tentang:

- the core of phonology

- the agreement of phonology

- the task of phonology (coba yg ini d cek, bner pa kagak?)

- manner of articulation

-place of articulation

-organ of speech

-ditambah dikit2 tentang speech(speed ato speech ya??lupa) sound

kalo ada yg ga bner ya maklum,,

gambar organ of speech:

hmmmh...buka buku pronounciation lagi....

mudah2an pake buku Peter Roach bisa ngerti..amin..

ya sudah lah...

c ya!

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Someone told me a long story....



These days, weather n climate seem hate me much. they make me sick! Everyday i get up with something disturbing in my nose. Fortunately, it just happen in the morning. So guys, keep your body!

Now, i want to tell u a story from my friend. Yup...she is my best friend. I have asked her to let me tell u her name,but she didn't want to. Therefore, i wouldn't tell u her name and i have promised. i tell u this story just for my hobby and maybe some of u can take something inside of it or just give suggestion or solution for my friend.

hmm..from where should i start??

ok, it was about her feeling of missing someone. she said to me that she regret it. hearing that, i didn't know what she was talking about. i didn't know what the word "it" meant. what did she regret? i tried to make her comfortable with herself n made her tell what actually she wanted to say.then..she began to talk...

bf: "i feel so lonely now. i think i was too tough with him. and now, i regret myself n if i could turn back the time where i've done that thing which make me like this..i wouldn't have done that kind of thing!"

me: "hey, hey, what is "that kind of thing" ?"

bf: "it's a long story...i think i can't tell u.."

me: "no, you really need to tell me"

bf: "okay, actually i knew him since first semester. i knew him on a chatting site. but actually i didn't really remember if that was right"

me: "so, u mean that u didn't quite remember if u met him on that chatting site?"

bf: "i never met him! ya..but he told me that i gave him my phone number. and i felt maybe he was right n honest because i actually have given my phone number to someone. then, when i was not using or chatting on that chatting site, someone call me. and that was the beginning"

me: "ok, i'm listening..go ahead!"

bf: "it's him. at first, with my anger inside of my mind, i refused to talk with him. i think that he was just disturbing people who wanted to know me. but his speech was not the same as what i have thought. he just wanted to know if i was the one who ever had a chat with him. and i said my name. and he said "okay" and "thank you for answering the call" and he said greeting, i replied. and the conversation was off"

me: "then?"

bf: "since that time, i became not-so-skeptic with that man. i became accustomed to talk with him. i didn't feel negative aura in my ears. i enjoyed it instead. we keep text-ing and calling"

me: " long did you..."

bf: "until this almost two year. the last SMS was on March"

me: " could u..?"

bf: " that's why...that was why i made a mistake"

me: " then, tell me more"

bf: "he gave me his picture from friendster..gave me his email and told me much about him"

me: "i know ur problem. u really want to ensure that he was real.."

bf: "that's true...and i liked him..and i want to meet him. but my chance was other one"

bf: "time by time passed and suddenly i felt that he was near me. because he told something that was the same activity i did somewhere. i thought that he was following me. but i kept reminding myself that he was far far away. my patience was a half when it was almost a year i have a relationship with him. i've already said that i liked him. and once again..i'm eager to meet him"

me:" and he couldn't make it?"

bf: "yup..but i forgave him"

me: "and u started to think that he might be ur colleague?"

bf: "i thought about it..i thought that maybe he was the one i admire of in the college. and i have admired him long time before the chatting man"

me: " oh my..."

bf: "and on March..this year...i've done something bad....i forced him to meet me. and if he didn't want to...i would stop knowing him at all"

me: " and he still couldn't make it?"

bf:" yup...i've blocked him from my Facebook..and also blocked the admired-colleague too?"

me: "what's wrong with that man?? u just acted arrogantly"

bf: "cuz..i've told u that the chat-man might be the same as the colleague"

me: "what makes u conclude?"

bf: "cuz he ever said that he wanted me to go to campus. and i asked him why and "it seems that u wait me in the campus" and he answered " yes..." it was SHOCKING for me"

me: "and ur curiosity was not answered till now.."

bf: " it makes me much..and it led to this..i lost him..n i missed him..."

at that bestfriend started to cry...

me: "well, if i ask u now..would u answer it honestly?"

bf: " i would.."

me: "if he is not the admired-colleague, will u still liked him?"

bf: "that's why...i want to give my faith to one man...and if he is doubt, i give him all...cuz he(the chat-man) was the one who always with me"

me: "really...?"

bf: "ya."'s a lil' bit confusing for me...

that's the story....

hooooammmm...i feel sleepy nnnoooow...since it almost 1:30 a.m.

i must sleep..

c ya!

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semoga harapan-harapan itu tercapai...amiiin


(jawab geh....nah gitu)

wew..daripada bete sama itu orang sirik yang sudah ngejebol password skaligus mengutak-atiknya..i would like to say THANK YOU....!

i hope someday you'll be illuminated...

ga tau artinya?? CARI DI KAMUS!


sebenernya mah ni postingan khusus buat temen2 nak untirta, but yang lain juga boleh baca juga kuk..terbuaka buat siapa aja, siapa tau kan bisa menginspirasi kan?

nah, diliat dari judul postingan nya pasti dah pada tau kan mau dibawa kemana hubungan kita, ups...maksudnya mau kemana arah pembicaraan kita..

tadi pagi, alias Senin 5 april 2010, diadakan dialog interaktif prodi bahasa inggris. nah, acara itu katanya--dan emang kenyataannya--diadakan buat mengeluarkan aspirasi mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris. dan ternyata banyak aspirasi-aspirasi yang memang perlu disampaikan. waduh, serasa w anak HMJ alias ESA aja nih...

diawali dengan banyak sambutan, lalu kemudian beranjak ke pemutaran video(video apakahh??) video yang menampilkan mahasiswa yang lagi bawa-bawa kursi, dari satu ruangan ke ruangan lain. haha...pasti itu yang suka bawa-bawa kursi adalah orang yang telat..(nggak juga kali wirli...plis deh..). tapi emang perlu diperbanyak tuh kursinya. but well, itu nggak terlalu parah sih kecuali masalah AC! nah...ini nih....AC dikelas tuh ya ada yang nyala tapi kayak ngga ngeluarin udara yang dingin. mudah-mudahan masalah AC bisa ditemukan solusinya.

langsung aja deh...banyak yang ditanyain ma temen-temen dari anak bahasa inggris..ada yang nanyain solusi buat dosen yang suka telat. well, telat boleh lah...but yang agak membuat bete itu jika gak masuk without confirmation though the lecture had been called or text-ed..yup...kadang-kadang bete ya udah jauh-jauh  tapi ga ada kuliah a.k.a ngga ada dosen'a.

ada juga yang nanyain tentang ang tugas yang seharusnya dikoreksi oleh dosen. ada juga yang nanyain tentang kelas yang penuh n diadainnya semestrer pendek buat remedial biar kelas nya ga nyampur sama kakak kelas. pertanyaannya bagus-bagus. haha..tadinya mau nanya, tapi..ngga tau mau nanya apa..w mah tadinya mau nanya: bisa ngga dosennya milih sendiri?? ahaha...yng ada w langsung lulus tak bersertifikat alias di D.O. dah ma ntu dosen.

yang jelas..mudah-mudahan itu semua harapan bisa tercapai. amiiiiin....

n ada juga yang w pelajarin disitu..

w nemu kosakata baru.. BYOC yang w lafalkan dengan "byok." pertama kali liat langsung ngucap "apaaan tuh byok (BYOC)??" ternyata itu singakatan yang kepanjangannya tuh Bring Your Own Chair...whooo...

itu ajalahh...udah males ngetik nih. masih kebawa mood ma facebook q. bete sumpah!

mudah2an fb nya bisa cepet kebuka lagi.

yang bisa tolong bantuin dunk....plis....

yaudah deh..

c ya!

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